Swimwear Bathing Suit Basics It’s bathing suit season again and while the thought may send some women screaming and running for the hills there is hope in finding the perfect swimsuit to show off your assets. While the right swimsuit is a vital staple in your wardrobe, it is important to remember that swimsuits are not sized like most clothing. In fact, you should try one to two sizes larger than your normal clothing size. Even if you are hesitant to go up a size, don’t get caught up in the number. The right fit is what counts. When you find a suit that you like, lift your arms, bend over, sit down, and walk around to make sure it is not going to gather or ride up. With so many styles of swimsuits on the market, it is important to take note of what works for your body and what does not. For example, when shopping for a tankini, make… -
Swimwear Women are really fortunate to have a wide range of swimwear to choose from. The bikini fashion industry has mind blowing designs to offer you. Swimming time is the time to relax in the warm sunny afternoon on the beach in your favorite piece of bikini. A stylish bikini is sure to enhance your beauty. Slipping in a hot tiny string bikini is in vogue these days. Among so many styles of bikini, this one is surely going to classify you as a sizzling hot favorite babe on the beach side. Beach time is the time to flaunt your body in an ecstatic manner. Every woman wants to look great in a bikini. The latest trends in the bikini wear are here to allure you with a wide variety of classy bikinis. You can flaunt your entire body with these skimpiest bikinis around in the market place. The bikini fashion has come a long way. Earlier the bikinis were perceived…Bikini Fashion
By Womens Fashion -
Swimwear Women’s swimwear can stretch up to 100% in some cases. Typically 75%, but what this really means is that the material will compress the body mass it encloses as it stretches more and more. If you stretch bikini swimwear material beyond its maximum comfort zone then unsightly bulges can result. What this means for most people is that if your hips are 41" then do not order a medium bottom. Order a large. A medium will fit but unless you have very good skin and muscle tone, then those unsightly bulges will probably result. So it is VERY important to get proper measurements. Proper body measurement is key to a successful outcome. We’ll take you through the basic measurements that the clothing industry depends on. How To Measure: Use a cloth tape measure if possible. Note: Older flexible tape measures can sometimes stretch and distort over time. The person being measured should be wearing his or her normal undergarments only.…Getting a Good Fit in Women’s Bikini Swimwear and One Piece Swimwear
By Womens Fashion